Fast Facts
Did You Know?
White Rapids Manor Inc. opened in 1978.
We are inspected annually by the Nursing Home Services branch of the Department of Social Development as part of our license to operate.
We are a private, non-profit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors who meet as a group and in addition as committee members.
We are audited annually and this is forwarded to the Department of Social Development.
We are home to 40 residents who reside in one of 8 single rooms, 14 double rooms or 4 semi-private rooms.
We are a registered charity and rely completely on donations to run our mini-bus for residents. Donations also purchase items such as new room furniture for residents.
To operate our home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we employ more than 60 people, making us one of the largest employers in the community.